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Mind Body Analysis

This technique is a charting of the clients body posture. Looking at the body from front to back or from left to right identifies how the client is blocking energy in the body. The structure, body mass and the feel of the skin determines at what level the block comes from emotional, mental or physical. By determining the cause the client shifts into a conscious awareness of their body. The client is then shown corrective posture to support a physical shift.

Process: The client wears shorts or bathing suite this allows the practioner to view the body stance without interference. As the client is being charted the practioner will communicate to assist in the corrective postures being established.

  • 60 Minute Session $120.00 + gst


  • Corrective posture lets the client to utilize their energy better.
  • The internal system functions better.
  • Mind body connection is linked - allowing the client to be conscious of negative posturing.



Additional Information:

Please contact Karen Matheson if you have any additional enquires about this treatment.



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